Thursday, October 8

just not too late

Lanzones: it was just recently that I got to appreciate it. :hide:

I don’t know if there’s ever a rule or formula on how long it would take for us to get to appreciate something or someone that has always been there, just waiting to get noticed.

But I do know sometimes it could take second-hand opinions and experiences,

getting down off our high horse,

and some slapping: on our back, on our wrist, or (unfortunately) in our face,

just so we wake up, come to our senses, and be responsive.


photosandmemos said...

i agree, sometimes we need a little reprimand here and there...

im thankful who got family and friends who remind me (either kicking my bottom or nudging me on the side)..

you too, feel free to remind me, pull me aside ifyou think, im going overboard...because i will listen..

responsiveness is character jane..if you dont have that, no amount of slapping or backside kicking will get you off your high horse..

sadly, my horse has given up, and jumped off the cliff, as it cant carry me any longer...*hide*

inJiNuous said...

chel, sakto ka. naa ra jud dag-un sa attitude sa? if gahi jud, gahi jud. :hide: seriously, i don't think you need some reprimanding chel. to simply acknowledge the tendency to go overboard is enough character na of responsiveness. :)

konsuy said...

it takes time for most to be adventurous and try everything that other people are doing. like eating lanzones perhaps. i am one of those who smells food before i put my teeth on them. i am too cautious murag praning.

but if mo ingon ka lami, jin, salig ko. =) 1 kilo of lanzones please.


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