Saturday, September 26


Adobong Kangkong of Hukad

I remember we used to cook Kangkong ('water' spinach) in the house when I was younger. I remember that because I was often asked to buy it from the market and not because I can recall how it was cooked. The food must not have been that appealing at all. Hihi.

Then we discovered this little restaurant of a place in my hometown. I forgot its name but it could have been “Loloy’s Payag”. I’m not sure. They cook the best Adobong Kangkong I could ever remember. Also, the place was a sweet place in the sense that it was special to my brother for he knew everyone who worked there and so, everyone made us feel like it was home. We frequented the place for a long time until my brother passed away.

I don’t think the restaurant is still there. But if it still is, I would want to go back and dine there again. I’m sure the place and food would bring out so many memories I have often preferred to be hidden somewhere in the deepest, special part of the heart.

And I would want to bring the birthday girl, Chelo, with me when I do that.

Happy Birthday, Chelilly! *hugs* I wish more of your dreams and wishes to come true. =)

And I hope you know how grateful I am of our friendship. I may have met you a little late in life but boy, does it feel like a lifetime. =) Thank you for embracing me and my little family. Thank you for you. =)


Shutterfairy said...

kabaw ka..i've been eating kangkong and i didn't know it's called spinach diay.. my gulay! pagka gyud.

inJiNuous said...

mai, di pa man sad ko dugay nakabalo ani. hehe. kung dili lang tungod ni popeye. hahaha. i think it's more known as water spinach.

Lynette said...

wait....wait...kangkong is spinach diay??? i thought ang leaves sa kangkong is medyo pataas? spinach is medyo wider? shocks. wow!

inJiNuous said...

nette, water spinach diay to be exact. LOL! i've researched and it's not related to spinach at all. it's just that they are also called as spinach pod. i'll edit what i wrote para klaro. haha! :hide:

photosandmemos said...

giilad gyud kong popeye...pweh! kangkong raman diay nakapa powerful niya,LOL...=)

i miss you jane...i miss our talks about life, family, friendships and our future little plans in life=) this makes our friendship real because even if we are at the stage of still getting to know one another, we already know, how much the other means in one's life (and future)...

thank you for this entry...i really dont mind that a blog titled "kangkong" is actually indirectly dedicated to me..there was once in my life, (when i suddenly lost weight in college and i looked that little starlet who did tiltillating movies), i was jokingly nicknamed "batong" by my cousins,LOL.

sunod ani, sigarilyas nagyud...LOL..

anyhow, i feel sooo loved...*hugs*

thank you..

anyhoo, mas taas pa akong reply, kaysa imong blog,LOL...

inJiNuous said...

i miss you, chel. *hugs* can't wait to see you puhon. =) unya hanung batong man ila gingalan nimo? LOL! aw o noh. kangkong man diay ako gingalan ani na entry! hahaha! sowi chel! :hide:


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