Wednesday, September 9

shoe you

You did not come into this world to fill someone’s shoes.
You are here for you.
But when you choose to live and share the world with others,
feel love and gratitude,
you are here for you, and whole.


konsuy said...

shoe true. =)

inJiNuous said...

malingaw jud ko sa imo hirit chi. =)

photosandmemos said...

this is shoe beautiful...i feel like a shoe too..

thanks jane, for shoe-ing me the way,lol=) *Hugs*

Shutterfairy said...

amen jane.. born in this world to fill thy own shoe and nobody else's.

inJiNuous said...

chel, mabuang ko sa shoe-filled nimo na reply! LOL1 pareho lang mong chichi dah. you're shoe welcome, chel. LOL!

mai, bitaw dapat nobody else's. syodi jud pantapal. hehe. =)


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