Wednesday, September 23

on bravery (and brevity)

Bravery is not just about living the life you've always wanted, or living the life differently and dangerously than others do.

Because while life may be a matter of making choices, it’s also about making mistakes (on choices), acknowledging it, and making it right, and compromise.

There are things in life you cannot undo just like that

when you only have one piece of paper, and a pen and drew an airplane. Then you realize you don't really want an airplane but a butterfly instead. Yet you can’t erase the airplane and you know that to create lines and circles over the figure to cover it would make it messier than it already is that you’d have so little space to work on you’d end up making tiny butterflies you don’t want either or end up with not enough space to draw the other parts of the butterfly. So you improvise, and don’t waste space. You draw around the airplane until it looks like a butterfly except that it has a cockpit, a tail, and those little square windows. It may look weird on other’s eyes; they may laugh and scorn you; but you know better; it’s your butterfly.

Bravery is not just about living the life you've always wanted, or living the life differently and dangerously than others do.

Bravery is also about accepting the life you live, working your way around it, and finding every little inch of beauty your eyes can find in it while living it.


konsuy said...

butterflies with windows and cockpit and a tail? i like. i could imagine a life so different yet beautiful.

mas nindot ang life nga dili masabtan, jin. it makes it more appealing and yes, worth living.
ka way nada anang parehas ra ug predictable.

inJiNuous said...

unsa pasabot nimo sa di masabtan, chi? kanang mysterious? hehe. mao. in a way, given na man jud na life is full of surprises. it's actually how we deal with it maoy makalanag. hihi.

Shutterfairy said...


Lynette said...

I love this entry. It echoes my sentiments. We play/live with the cards we are dealt with.

photosandmemos said...

in other words, mag an tos ta sa atong kinabuhi nga gipili,hahaha..*joke*

i so agree...we make the most out of the situation were in..we make do,and make it the best we could..

love your thoughts..

inJiNuous said...

in short,chel, hanung ni-enter?! hahaha! jk. thanks, chel. miga jud ta. hihi. =)

Mommy Blogs said...

so profound!


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