Thursday, July 11


I remember one night when I was in college. A friend and I thought we should celebrate the semester break with a bottle of Gilbey’s and a pack of sweetened, powdered orange juice. As we finished half of the bottle, my friend started complaining that she can no longer walk straight and hold her arms up. I remember I didn’t complain much. But I do remember that I couldn’t wait to reach the sink to throw up. So in a matter of minutes, I heard my friend complaining her spirit had left her while I found myself running down the stairs, heading straight to the sink and let all the spirits out. Lol! 

Well, it is funny: how we celebrate and get nauseated and then probably puke afterwards.


daya said...

palahubog ai! wa ko aning bisyuha.. bwahahaha

inJiNuous said...

@vella: hahaha! kay di man kuno ka mahubog, tuh. hihi.


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